La Liga Zine Issue #1

La Liga Zine is an online and print publication that showcases the work of Latinxs. It’s meant to function as a bridge between virtual and real life experiences. To create a space for the current and future generation where we find encouragement and liberation (not to be confused with equality). A space created with the intent to combat white supremacist media outlet monopolies. A space that is meant to give a voice to individuals white neoliberal media generally ignores. We recognize our responsibility to feature not only marginalized voices at broad but also especially those that are marginalized within the Latinx community (queer, indigenous, trans, afrolatinx, etc.) More than anything, we want to provide a platform rather than speak for anyone.
This September, La Liga celebrates its first anniversary. As an independent publication, we aren’t in the business of financial gain and individual profit. Instead, we’re here to provide media that is apart from outdated - and, by extension, exclusionary - institutions. As a collective of self-taught content creators, this issue is the fruit of our team’s joint effort. It’s a special thanks to everyone that has been supporting us since day one, when having a print publication seemed unrealistic, and an introduction for our new readers.